Pengertian dan Contoh Past Perfect Tense

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Past perfect tense adalah tense yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah selesai sebelum suatu perbuatan lain terjadi di masa lampau, perbuatan yang sering dilakukan di masa lampau dan pada reported speech atau kalimat laporan. Past perfect tense juga bisa digunakan untuk membentuk conditional sentence type 3.

Perhatikan rumusnya berikut :

S + had + past participle (verb 3) + (object) + (adverb)

Untuk kalimat negatif, kita tinggal menambahkan “not” setelah “had”.

Contoh :

  1. Our cat had died before my daughter came to see her.
  2. I had been to London three times.
  3. Before married, he  had gone out with 32 women.
  4. I thought you had picked up the documents.
  5. Alice said Dianne had stolen her money.
  6. If I hadn’t called him, he would have been out with that girl.
  7. I would have flown to Japan, if he had bought the right tickets.
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