Conditional Sentence Type Three

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Conditional sentence tipe 3 adalah kalimat pengandaian yang merujuk pada masa lalu. Suatu kejadian (result-nya) adapat terwujud jika condition tertentu dipenuhi di masa lalu. Namun, ini hanya pengandaian dan kita hanya membayangkan kemungkinan yang terjadi di masa lalu. Faktanya, kita tidak bisa atau terlambat memenuhi condition tertentu supaya suatu peristiwa (result) terjadi di masa lalu. Bisa dibilang apa yang kita katakan (bayangkan) hasilnya berlawanan dengan kenyataan.

Formula :

If + past perfect, + future perfect/modals + have + past participle.

Contoh :

  1. I would have made it to the party  if I had let my ex-boyfriend pick me up. Fakta : I didn’t make it to the party because you didn’t let my ex-boyfriend to pick me up
  2. If father hadn’t forced me to become a architect, I could have been a famous painter. Fakta : My father forced me to become an architect so there was no way you could be a famous painter.
  3. If I had had money in last year’s Mother’s Day, I would have bought a necklace for my mom. Fakta : You didn’t  have money so you didn’t buy her a necklace.

Inverted word order

Ini adalah bentuk lain dari if-clause di mana kita menghilangkan kata if dan meletakkan verb sebelum subject. Tapi ingat, yang berubah hanyalah bentuk, makna kalimat tidak ada yang berubah.


  1. I would have made it to the party  if I had let my ex-boyfriend pick me up. (I would have made to the party had I let my ex-boyfriend pick me up.)
  2. If father hadn’t forced me to become a architect, I could have been a famous painter. (Hadn’t father forced me to become a architect, I could have been a famous painter.)
  3. If I had had money in last year’s Mother’s Day, I would have bought a necklace for my mom. (Had I had money in last year’s Mother’s Day, I would have bought a necklace for my mom.)
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