Berikut adalah beberapa idiom yang berkaitan dengan warna-warna dan maknanya :
- green thumb : keahlian untuk menumbuhkan tanaman
Wow, look at all those roses. Who has the green thumb?
- yellow-bellied : pengecut
He won’t have the guts to touch me. He is a yellow-bellied.
- pink slip : lembar pemecatan
There are two employees getting pink slips today.
- white elephant : barang mewah yang mahal biaya perawatannya
After winning the lottery, Dona bought a Porsche which is the true white elephant because she can’t afford the maintenance and the gas.
- golden opportunity : kesempatan besar untuk mencapai sesuatu
Getting a scholarship from the government is a golden opportunity for her to pursue higher education.
- blue collar : pekerja terlatih (bukan terdidik)
Mechanic is a blue collar worker.
- silven screen : industri film
Angelina Jolie is the sexiest woman of the silver screen.
- red tape : aturan yang menghambat progres
The red tape to get the Dean’s signature drives me nuts.